The G.O.A.T

How do you feel about yourself? What makes you get out of bed? Because if your not getting out bed for what it is that you believe you are suppose to be doing then you might need to refocus yourself. I must say it again that your are the greatest, and I will take it a step further. You are the Greatest Of All Time. This term if mostly a Hip-Hop term, but it can be used across the board. In order for you to become the power house you are suppose to be, you need to believe that you are the greatest at what you do. Dr. King once said that “you must do it so well that even the angels in heaven say so.”

Get out of the mind state that you are just another employee or you are just another human being living out your life. Stop trying to be like everyone else and stand on your uniqueness. Even if you are one of many people doing the same thing, You must stand on your ability to be the best at what you do. Let no one tell you other wise. I use to have the problem of thinking lower about myself than I should. This ideology no longer has a place in my vocab or even my thinking. I am the best at what I do, no matter who are what may think they do it better. I am a power, I am a king, and I will not lose, ever. Yes, I am confident, you can even call me cocky, believe it. You must feel a compelling strength, a strength that can not be forgotten by you are anyone ever. As I have said before, your thoughts towards yourself must change. Even if you believe in your abilities, it never hurts to really be confident in your know how.

Being the greatest must flow over how you carry yourself, it must flow over how you speak, it must even flow over how you get in and out of your car. Confidence does not have to be a spoken word, it must be something that can be seen and never heard. When people come close to you they must know it. I believe that when we as humanity realize that we have no reason to stand in the shadows hoping that no one notices us, that we can be and do much more than what we have ever had to deal with. I love myself, I am so in love with me that I believe that there is no one better, I do not say that standing on my own words, but I say that standing on my faith and my belief system. Yea, I am cocky, and I am happy about it. I am not better than anyone else, I am not condemning anyone else. I just believe in me, and I am willing to be what the world needs. Hold your head up, look everyone in the eye, speak with the confidence that commands respect, carry yourself in a manor that no one questions you or even you question you. I believe in your greatness it is time that you do the same.

Jimmie Fair is the creator of The Fair, “Don’t Just Live Life Respond.”

How To Get Hundreds and Thousands of Followers on Twitter

Getting thousands of followers on Twitter seems to be the new fad. Everyone claims to be an expert on how to do it. There are people out there with their get 30,000 followers in 30 days crap. Then there are those who do nothing but spam all day, telling you about their business of marketing. Just the idea that these tricks would work tells me that you guys have no clue on how t build a brand, well, all you can build is your own.

In order to lead you must first follow, and how many people know who to follow in this space, meaning. How many people respond to the millions of blogs out there or the twitter conversions that go on all day long. How many experts really want to help you build your brand, and not help themselves build their brands. This space is about family not who has the most numbers. How many of those who follow you are nothing more than bots, and are you a bot to the people that follow you. Twitter is a community, one that should be based off of southern hospitality not just thank you for following me.

So many people ask, “how do I get more followers,” I ask how do you make friends? Building a community of followers is all about your ability to be yourself, not if a system can help you. Stop worrying about how many people are following you and start worrying about what you are saying. There is no trick to to gaining followers on twitter, only your ability to open up and respond to life. But, if you must know one way to do it is by following those who constantly post. Those who have built a cult following around the ideal of being bigger than twitter. Become apart of their noise, and start making noise of your own, and it is only a matter of time before a circle surrounds you.

If you use these quick follower programs all you are getting is a crowd for a day, why have a crowd for a day, when you can have them for a life time. If you really want to build your brand, build people, find away to teach the things you have learned. Once you have done this, people will always follow you, not because you are to most popular but because you invested into them.

Building followers should not be your goal, conversation should be. People do not want to be looked at as just a number, they want to be looked at as a part of the family. To grow you followers grow yourself, build yourself, people want to follow those at whom they can look up to. Someone they can feel a bond with, cumminites are built off of converstation not silence. Are there ways to build your twitter following, yes, does some of these things work, yes, but at the end of the day, what matters most, is not the numbers you have, but the relationships you build.

How To Market In Social Media

It would be very easy to tell you every step you would need to take to take over social media. However, that would not really tell you anything. You can read for months on how to use social media, to develop your business or your brand, but at the end of the day, all you will have gained is a headache.

About this time last year a friend of mine Vincent Hunt, came to me after cycling, and told me about this thing called social media. He told me about all the new people he was meeting and all the things he had learned. Well at first I paid him no mind, but week after week he kept selling the same song. Finally, I went on line and started looking into social media. After a few weeks, I started blogging, and all of a sudden I started getting responses from people all across the world. Then one day I discovered Youtube. Yes, I had heard of Youtube, but I had never thought about posting to Youtube. Lucky for me, this was during the time of the Presidential Elections. I made a few post, and the next thing I new thousands for people were listing and responding. Thus The Fair Response was born.

Yet, I said all of that to say, I learned social media, by not just reading other peoples post, but by getting out there and getting my feet wet. The ups and downs of social media teach you what spaces to spend your time, and what spaces to get in and get out as quickly as you can. I look at social media through the eyes of building equity, the more time you spend developing your brand, the more equity in your brand you will have.

Marketing in social media is not rocket science, it depends all on whether or not you know yourself and your brand. If you have no clue to who you are, then this space is not for you. Now, what I mean is that you must  not be a clone. Yes, you might have the degrees in marketing, and you might be the greatest at building web pages. Yet, this space does not give a crap about the paper the walls at your house. In this space we care about each other. We build each other, and the louder your voice is about the relevant things we go through the greater you will be in this space. Now I guess I will tell you how to market in social media.

  1. Research, Research, Research. Then you need to Research some more.
  2. Listen to the web, which means understand what the web is telling you.
  3. Follow people that are already on the next big thing, this way you know how to stay relevant in the space.
  4. Find out your passion, and how it can dwell in this space.
  5. Start micro blogging, using twitter, rejaw, kwippy, friend freed, tumblar and other sites.
  6. Start blogging, once you have gotten to a level of confidence in micro blogging then blog.
  7. As you blog, respond to others in this space, practice this while you are micro blogging.
  8. As you speak about others, others will speak about you, which will in turn boost your hits across the web.
  9. After you have learned what works for you, start joining every site you can, and learn how to post to one while posting to others at the same time. (ping fm)
  10. Find the best photo of yourself or logo you can and put it on every site you join, Then develop a slogan that is catchy and to the point. My slogan is, “don’t just live life respond.”
  11. Keep your message the same or spread your message over different ideals, but keep is consistent.
  12. This should have been number one, but google your name or business, and see where you are, just like looking up your credit score except you want as many hits as you can find.
  13. If you really want to be successful in the space, this step is key, never stop working, never stop learning, because the moment you do, you are already behind.

The American Deception

The last couple of days I have been doing research on a secrete organization, one that’s roots stem back for decades. This organization seems to be at the very root of the economics of not only this nation but the world. The organization I am talking about is the Builderberg Group. Who are they, and why do they seem to come up when a turn of power is at hand. Is there more welling and dealing going on behind the scenes than normal.

Have our last 8 Presidents been nothing but fronts for the real leadership of America. Even if you don’t believe in conspiracy one must look deeper into this organization and seek to understand their claim to power. Americas Federal Reserve is not lead by a person that is voted in, hell, the reserve is not even an acting body of the Government. The Federal Reserve, is an independent body that only answers to itself, while many Americans try to understand politics the reserve is busy deciding on the rates they will be paying back on the loan for the home they just bought. I have known for years that Presidents are nothing but front men, not real leaders. However, I never thought they would allow a man of color to be the poster child for the true power system of the world.

Yet, as in the movie “The Obama Deception,” we can see a well placed directive, dramatized to make conspiracy look very real. However, is there truth in it, yes, yet one must look deeper to understand its truth. One must seek to understand the wider deception that is fed to us each day by 24 hour news cycles. I believe that Obama means well, but I believe that there are great powers at hand working to deceive this nation with more propaganda. Even the hateful “Fox News,” is being used in the deception of this nation. Seeking to bring balance to a more leftest media cycle. Has the sheets been pulled over the eyes of Americans, I believe so.

Well, the sheet had been pulled over mine, until now. Yet, this deception has gone back long before Obama, this deception more than likely begins with FDR. In order to create the dependent systems we have now, an American President had to sell something to the powers that be, when capitalism failed us with the stock market crash. Now if you are looking for proof, then you need not look in the history books, that our children bring home. That is more of the propaganda brain washing us. However, look more at those who could not survive without Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security. These people were ransomed off like cattle and never even knew it. Anyway, back to the future, who is really running America? That is a question that really no one can give a straight answer to. We must look at a global equation now, and not focus so much on America. Whoever sets the global markets or interest rates through out the world, which here in America would be the Federal Reserve, then the power is not in the hands of voters, power is in the hands of the Wall Street talented tenth. If one would look more closely at President Obama’s Cabinet, one would see a make up of nothing but the people that have driven us into this craziness anyway.

Uncover Your Eyes

Uncover Your Eyes

Now, I love Obama, as a black man, he brings me pride. Just like Kennedy did for the Irish, back in the day. However, at the rate he is spending money, hell, I don’t know if he will be elected to a second term. Being that most pollutions are fronts, I don’t blame him for getting his nor do I blame him for what he is doing. I believe that some of the strings are being pulled by more powerful people than he. Yet, I also believe, that there are some choices he makes that are truthfully his. Americans need a leader to feel like America belongs to some thing greater, he is that leader. However, great leaders sometimes have great flaws, and President Obama seems to have very few.